Sourcing Learning

Streamlining Supplier Selection in Managed Learning Services

Selecting the appropriate supplier for learning solutions often seems like navigating through a maze, with numerous providers all claiming to offer the best. This abundance of choices can leave clients feeling overwhelmed, often leading them to stick with familiar suppliers or resort to basic internet searches. Now Managed Learning Services recognises the importance for learning professionals to find reliable external suppliers that reflect positively on in-house learning teams.

Now Training Managed Learning Services - Learning Vendor Management Services
Now Training MLS

Sourcing Learning

Our learning vendor management team is adept at sourcing suppliers that not only enhance performance but also align with business goals and deliver measurable returns on investment. With our experience since 1997, involving over 3000 suppliers and hundreds of thousands of delegate evaluations, our UK-wide reach and comprehensive understanding of all subject areas is unmatched. Our Managed Learning Software, Now-BRAINS, compiles evaluations and feedback to provide both qualitative and quantitative data. This information is utilised by our expert advisors to identify proven suppliers.

Now Managed Learning Service stands out for its independence. Our advisors are not limited to specific providers or our own technology and products; our sole commitment is to find the most suitable suppliers. Clients can therefore expect:

    Extensive Expertise

    Our advisors’ knowledge spans across all subject areas nationwide. Using Now-BRAINS, we can tap into a broad array of approved suppliers, providing insights from the entire market.

    Commitment to Innovation

    We are dedicated to finding new and creative learning solutions. Our independence and extensive reach enable access to the most advanced and innovative suppliers.

    Consistency and Control

    We understand that large organisations, especially those with multiple sites, need uniform certification standards and processes. We support these goals by sourcing the right learning solutions, at the right locations and times, enhancing control over outcomes and expenditure.

    Quality Delivery

    Identifying the most effective learning platform is crucial. Our advisors ensure the selection of suppliers who deliver high-quality learning across various platforms, including traditional classroom settings, blended, virtual, web-based, digital, virtual reality, performance simulation, and other advanced technological solutions.