Nice to meet you!

Since our establishment in 1997, Now Training have led the transformation in how training is sourced and managed, intending to simplify the selection process for individuals and corporatiosn to confidently choose the right training. Driven by creativity and innovation, our mission was to disrupt the traditional training market by introducing the first independent Managed Learning Service, thereby setting a new benchmark in service and value.

Now Training Managed Learning Services

Revolutionising Training Selection:
The Now Training Story

At the heart of our identity is a vision for ‘People easily and confidently choosing the right training’, which led us to pioneer the first independent Managed Learning Service. This vision guides our mission to bring innovation and fresh perspectives to the training marketplace.

Our story began in 1997, driven by a desire to address the widespread challenges in sourcing training. We recognised the hurdles organisations encountered in selecting training that was right in content, duration, and cost. Our response was the creation of an independent managed training service and the launch of the UK’s first online catalogue of rated training courses, setting new standards in the industry.

Now Training Today

Today, our original ethos, ‘A better way to buy the right training’, is a reality, reflecting our belief that the training industry is at a significant turning point. Our Managed Learning Services have become a model for excellence, preferred by many organisations and inspiring new entrants to the market.

Our services have expanded to include Administration and Support, Learning Vendor Management, Sourcing Learning, Learning Consultancy, Curriculum Management, and Managed Learning Software, all designed to meet the varied needs of organisations. For individuals seeking training, our online portal,, provides a comprehensive solution to find and book the right courses, accommodating a wide range of learning needs.

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Now Training Managed Learning Services

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Now Training Managed Learning Services

How it all started…


The Foundation of Now Training

Now Training was established, identifying the need for a more efficient way to source training, focusing on content, duration, and cost.


The First Independent Managed Learning Service

Marking a significant innovation in the training industry, Now Training introduced the UK’s first independent Managed Learning Service.


Online Training

Revolutionising the way training courses were accessed, Now Training released the first online catalogue of rated training courses in the UK.


Expansion of Service Offerings

Now Training expanded its services, including Administration and Support, Learning Vendor Management, and Learning Consultancy, among others.


Embracing Technological Advancements

The company integrated advanced technology into its services, enhancing efficiency and client experience in training management.


Growth and Recognition

Now Training became a model in the Managed Learning Service industry, gaining recognition for its innovative approach and quality service.


Further Diversification of Services

The company broadened its services to include Curriculum Management Services and Managed Learning Software, meeting evolving market needs.


Leading the Way in a Digital Era

Continuing to innovate, Now Training adapted to the digital era’s challenges and opportunities, maintaining its leadership in the Managed Learning Services sector.